Madain Saleh – Hegra / Al Hijr – History, Facts, Importance – Everything You Need To Know

The name “Madain Saleh” is derived from the Quranic reference to the People of Thamud, also known as Nabateans, an ancient Arabian tribe associated with the heritage site in the Madinah province.

It is said that the People of Thamud were punished for their disbelief, and their settlement carved out of mountains – Al Hijr was transformed into a city of rocks.

Let’s dive deep into the story of Al-Ula:

What is Madain Saleh / Hegra / Al Hijr?

Madain Saleh was once a city in Saudi Arabia ruled by the Nabateans, just like Petra. Today, it is an archaeological site that boasts well-preserved monumental tombs.

It thrived during the same period, from the 1st century BCE to 74 CE. The Nabateans were skilled traders, and they established a network of routes connecting their capital city, Petra, with their southern outpost, Madain Saleh.

The city of tombs served as a crucial trade stop along the incense route for transporting valuable spices and perfumes from southern Arabia to the Mediterranean world.

Al Ula AKA Madain Saleh a UNESCO World Heritage Site

madain saleh a unesco world heritage site

The tombs of Madain Saleh in Saudi Arabia are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located in Saudi Arabia, they represent the Nabataean civilization in Jordan’s Petra.

If you look at a map, you will see it standing on the Arabian Peninsula’s trade route.

Al Hijr is also called an archaeological site by the name “The Capital of Monuments.” It has various inscriptions and cave drawings in old languages, reading as scripts.

There are 111 water wells and tombs at the site that depict the Nabataeans’ architectural accomplishments and hydraulic expertise.

What is the Story of Madain Saleh

The beautiful views and tombs of the Madain Saleh site attracted the People of Thamud and convinced them it was the perfect place to build their home. That’s how the Al Hijr settlement came to be.

Amongst them was Prophet Saleh, who had built a respectful image. He was a wealthy man, and the People of Thamud considered him a wise man with virtue. They were ready to appoint him as their tribe’s leader.

It was at this time that Allah (SWT) made Saleh a Prophet. When Saleh saw Nabataeans worshipping idols, Prophet Saleh (AS) said:

“O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. He has produced you from the earth and settled you in it. So, ask forgiveness of Him and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive.”

[Quran, 11:61]  

He continued to bring people to the right path and worship Allah (SWT), but they said:

“O Saleh, you were among us a man of promise before this. Do you forbid us to worship what our fathers worshipped? And indeed, we are in disquieting doubt about that to which you invite us.”

[Quran, 11:62]  

Despite his warnings, the majority of the Nabataeans rebuked Saleh and even spread rumors that he was possessed.

More and more people started to follow Prophet Saleh (AS). The People of Thamud feared that this might lead to a revolt and their idols would be thrown out, so they decided to confront Saleh with a plan. They asked him to show a miracle to prove that he was Allah’s (SWT) messenger.

The leaders of Thamud gathered with prohet Saleh (AS) and pointed at a rock, demanding that he bring a she-camel from underneath it. Saleh was committed to Islam and wanted the People of Thamud to follow him, so he pleaded with Allah (SWT) to bring the she-camel to life.

The day came when Allah (SWT) granted Saleh’s wish, and the People of Thamud witnessed the arrival of the she-camel. As the rock split, a gigantic, red, 10-month-pregnant she-camel emerged, surprising the People of Thamud.

baby she male camel as a sign from allah to the people of thamud

Then and there, many Nabataeans followed Saleh and declared their faith. Those who remained untouched even after witnessing the miracle said this was magic.

As more people converted to Islam, the leaders of Thamud feared that prophet Saleh (AS) would lead their people away from the path their forefathers followed. So, they conspired against the miracle.

“O my people, this is the she-camel of Allah – [she is] to you a sign. So, let her feed upon Allah’s earth and do not touch her with harm, or you will be taken by an impending punishment.”

[Quran, 11:64]

As the disbelievers watched the she-camel drink from their common well and graze on the land, their hatred intensified. Nine of them got together and decided to kill the she-camel.

As the she-camel approached the well to quench her thirst, one of the men shot her in the long, hindering her escape. Others sprang forward and ended her life with a sword.

The disbelievers cheered and, to the believers’ horror, ate the meat of the she-camel. When prohet Saleh (AS) heard of the killing, he hurried to salvage the situation, but it was too late. Witnessing the slaughtered she-camel, he said:

“Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days. That is a promise that will not be denied.”

[Quran, 11:65]

When the disbelievers mocked Prophet Saleh (AS), he said:

“O my people, why are you impatient for evil before good? Why do you not seek forgiveness of Allāh that you may receive mercy?”

[Quran, 27:46]

Allah’s (SWT) wrath was coming.

“And they planned a plan, and We planned a plan, while they perceived not”

[Quran, 27:50] 

Approximately three days after prophet Saleh’s (AS) warning, severe earthquakes shook the ground of the Madain Saleh site, and thunderbolts struck the rock structure and tombs, destroying everything.

A cry sounded in the air, and all the disbelievers died at the same time. After the destruction of the People of Thamud, prophet Saleh (AS) migrated to Palestine and lived there until he returned to Allah (SWT).

Prophet Salih (AS)

Prophet Salih (AS) is a significant figure in the Quran. He was one of the prophets sent by Allah (SWT) to guide the people of the city of Thamud, who lived in Al Ula.

Prophet Saleh’s (AS) story carries valuable lessons about the consequences of disbelief and the importance of obeying divine commands.

He achieved Prophethood when he led the People of Thamud to the path of righteousness.

Who Were the People of Thamud

The people of Thamud were an ancient Arabian tribe believed to have lived in the Al Hijr region of present-day Saudi Arabia. Their history is shrouded in mystery, but they are well-documented in various historical and religious texts, including the Quran.

They came after Ad, another tribe that Allah (SWT) destroyed for their disbelief.

The She-Camel

she camel in madain saleh

The she-camel that the People of Thamud wanted Prophet Saleh (AS) to conjure from underneath the rock was an extremely tall, attractive, very woolly, and pregnant animal. The camel was able to produce milk for all the people of Madain Saleh.

When Saleh pleaded with Allah (SWT) to make the miracle happen, a red camel emerged with all the characteristics the People of Thamud had demanded in the camel.

The Earthquake

The story of the people of Thamud reaches its end with divine retribution in the form of a catastrophic earthquake. After repeated warnings from Prophet Saleh (AS), the people of Thamud were given a final chance to repent and turn away from their sinful ways.

However, they persisted in their arrogance and denial, demanding proof of Saleh’s prophethood (AS) again.

In response to their obstinacy, Allah (SWT) unleashed a fearsome earthquake that shook the very foundations of the land. The Quran describes the event vividly:

“And when Our command came, We saved Salih and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us, and [saved them] from the disgrace of that day. Indeed, it is your Lord who is the Powerful, the Exalted in Might.”

[Quran, 11:66]

The earthquake was so devastating that it annihilated the People of Thamud and left them in ruins. Their once-mighty structures and tombs, which they had carved into the mountains with such pride, were reduced to rubble.

They and the Maden Saleh site became nothing more than a cautionary tale for future generations.

Verses from the Quran

verses from the quran about prophet saleh and the people of thamud

“The people of Stone Valley (al-Hijr) also rejected Our Messengers. We gave them Our signs, but they turned their backs. They carved out dwellings in the mountains and lived in security. But the blast overwhelmed them early in the morning.”

[Quran, 15:80-84]

“The Destruction of the Dwellers of High Rocky Plain (Al-Hijr), Who Were Known as People called Thamud”

[Quran, 29:38]

“And the people of ’Ad and Thamud met a similar fate, which must be clear to you Meccans from their ruins. Satan made their evil deeds appealing to them, hindering them from the Right Way, although they were capable of reasoning.”

[Quran, 29:38]

“Do you construct on every elevation a sign amusing yourselves? And take for yourselves palaces and fortresses that you may abide eternally?”

[Quran, 128-129]

Why Did Allah Destroy the People of Thamud?

earthquake that destroyed the people of thamud

The people of Thamud had deviated from the teachings of the Prophet Noah (AS) and started practicing idolatry. They carved idols out of stone and worshipped them, associating partners with Allah (SWT). This was a grave sin in Islam, as it went against the oneness of Allah (Tawhid).

Because of their mastery in carving homes in the mountains, they became arrogant and proud of their accomplishments. They believed in their self-sufficiency and denied the blessings of Allah (SWT).

Their arrogance led them to reject the message of the Prophet Saleh (AS), who was sent to guide them back to righteousness.

Allah (SWT) didn’t like their oppressive behavior and mistreatment of the weak. They would exploit their fellow citizens and showed no mercy or compassion.

The People of Thamud rejected Allah’s messenger, prophet Saleh (AS), and even challenged him to provide a miracle as proof of his prophethood.

When Allah (SWT) granted Prophet Saleh (AS) the miraculous birth of a she-camel from a massive rock, they demanded that the she-camel perform specific feats.

When the she-camel did so, they still refused to believe and instead plotted to kill the miraculous animal.

Their stubbornness and refusal to repent ultimately sealed their fate.

What Did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Say About Madain Saleh?

“And call to mind when He made you successors after ‘Ad and gave you power in the earth so that you took for yourselves palaces in its plains and hewed out dwellings in the mountains. Remember, then, the wondrous bounties of Allah, and do not go about creating mischief in the land.”

[Quran, 7:74]

During his journey for the Battle of Tabuk, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions passed by Al Ula. He pointed out Madain Saleh and its tombs to his companions and said it was ibrat.

He told them only to drink water from the well that Prophet Saleh’s (AS) she-came drank water from and forbade them to drink or eat anything else from the area.

Why is Madain Saleh Forbidden?

In the 1970s, the Council of Senior Ulama released an official fatwa that forbade visitation to the Madain Saleh site and the tombs.

It also prohibited the excavation and development of Hegra tombs because it was a place that had seen the wrath of Allah (SWT). This is one of the reasons behind the belief that Maiden Saleh is cursed

Is it Permissible to Visit Madain Saleh?

While Madain Saleh and its tombs are an archeological site and not entirely “forbidden,” there are certain restrictions on access to the heritage center.

Visitors can explore the site, but it is essential to follow specific guidelines and rules to preserve its historical integrity.

Summary – Madain Saleh

The people of Thamud initially trusted and accepted Prophet Saleh’s (AS) message. However, their jealousy and disobedience led them to reject his guidance and commit sinful acts.

The story of Thamud demonstrates the consequences of defying Allah’s (SWT) commands and not believing in his power.

It serves as a reminder that individuals and communities can face divine retribution if they persist in wrongdoing. This is why the Maden Saleh site is now turned to rubble.

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