Common Mistakes people do in Umrah and Hajj

Below we complied a list of some of the extremely common mistakes that scores of people make, year after year, so that we can be weary of them and protect and prevent ourselves from making them.

This way Inshallah our Hajj will be closer to the Sunnah and more acceptable to Allah ﷻ.

Mistake 1: Thinking that Du’a is accepted at first glance of the Ka’bah

Many people have the wrong notion that the first time they look at the Ka’bah, any Du’a that they make will be answered. Not true!

This has no evidence from the Shariah. And any Hadith that one may find regarding this matter is either extremely weak or fabricated. When asked about Du’a being accepted at the first sight of the Ka’bah, Sheikh Sa’d Al-Humayd replied:

muslims doing tawaf around the kaaba and touching the black stone

Mistake 2: ‘Kissing’ the Black Stone from far away and stopping during Tawaf to do so

Kissing the Black Stone is a beautiful Sunnah and an honour indeed for the one who is able to do so. However, due to the immense crowd, majority of the people cannot reach it.

So many people try to “kiss” it from far away. When they are in line with the Black Stone, they stop in their tracks during Tawaf, face the Black Stone, put up both hands on the side of their head and ‘kiss’ the Black Stone in air, as if the Black Stone were right in front of them.

Or they throw ‘flying kisses’ at the Black Stone. Besides being a wrong practice, stopping the flow of Tawaf causes disruption and unnecessary crowding in that area, thereby creating a lot of inconvenience to fellow pilgrims.

‘Distance kissing’ is not from the Sunnah of course. All the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) did while doing Tawaf was kiss the Black Stone if he easily could do so, or touch it with his hand and kiss his hand.

But, when it was crowded, he only pointed to it from far away and said, “Allāhu Akbar.” That’s it.

It was narrated that Abu Tufayl (may Allah be pleased with him) said,

“I saw the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) perform Tawaf around the House, touching the corner (where the Black Stone is) with a crooked staff which he had with him, then kissing the staff.” [Sahih Muslim]

Ibn Abbas said,

“The Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) performed Tawaf on his camel, and every time he came to the corner (where the Black Stone is) he would point to it and say Allāhu Akbar.” [Al-Bukhari, no. 4987]

That’s all we need to do. If we are far away from the Black Stone, we should point to it with our right hand, say Allāhu Akbar and move on. No facing the Ka’bah, no ‘distance kissing’, no stopping dead in your tracks. Keep moving and don’t disrupt the flow of the Tawaf.

Sheikh Bin Baz said,

Mistake 3: Shouting out Duaa in unison

Some people shout at the top of their voices, in unison, while making Dua during Tawaf. They follow an Imam or a leader who says out different Dua’s aloud, and then the followers all repeat after him in unison.

This causes a lot of confusion and disturbs others engaged in their own Duas, making them lose focus and Khushoo’. And obviously, it is also not befitting that one should shout and raise his voice in a place as sacred as the Haram.

The right thing to do is to know, before you go for Tawaf, the Duas that you want to make, the Qur’an you want to recite, etc. This way you won’t have to follow anybody and you will be making your own Dua, in your own language, from your own heart.

It will give you better concentration and satisfaction. Plan your Duas ahead of time; repeat them to yourself, with humility and Khushoo’. After all, you’re making Dua to the One Who hears all and sees all.

The Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said,

“Each one of you is conversing with his Lord, so do not disturb one another or raise your voices over one another when reading (or he said) when praying.” [Abu Dawood, Sahih by Al-Albani]

Mistake 4: Designating specific Duas for specific rounds

Some people designate specific Duas for each round and there are even books that have specific Duas written for every round. This is not something from the Shariah.

The Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) did not recite any specific Dua in any of the rounds, and neither did his companions.

If there was such a thing, then he would have told us about it, and he would have done so himself first.

The only Dua that he did specify during Tawaf was when he reached at the end of each circuit between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone. He would say,

“Rabbana atina’ fid-dunya hasana wa fil-akhirati hasana wa qina adhaban-nar”

“Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Fire.”

Mistake 5: Doing Tawaf on someone else’s behalf

Many people make this mistake. They circumambulate the Ka’bah seven times and then they donate the reward of this Tawaf to their loved ones, their family members or their relatives who have passed away.

Also, when people go for Hajj or Umrah, their relatives and friends specifically ask them to “do one Tawaf on their behalf”. This is not valid and there is no evidence for its permissibility.

Only Hajj and Umrah can be done on others’ behalf, but Tawaf individually cannot be done for someone else.

Sheikh Bin Baz said,

Mistake 6: Multiple Umrah’s

kaaba during the holy pilgrimageSome people perform multiple Umrah’s after finishing their own, going outside Makkah either to Masjid Ayesha (Tan’eem) or other Meeqat points to put on a new Ihram and perform more Umrah’s again and again.

Some people do one Umrah every day, some even more! This is not from the Sunnah and not from the practice of the Sahabah.

If it was good to do multiple Umrah’s all in one trip, surely the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) would have done so himself and the Sahabah would have done so too.

But we see that although the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) stayed in Makkah for 19 days after the Conquest, yet he did not leave Makkah to do Umrah, even though he could have easily done so.

Sheikh Bin Uthaymeen said,

Actually, instead of making multiple Umrah’s, it would be better to perform as many Tawaf as you can for yourself. Tawaf is an act of worship that cannot be done anywhere else except Makkah and this is a golden opportunity.

Ibn Taymiyah said,

Mistake 7: Thinking that the Jamarat are devils

When some people go to stone the Jamarat, they think they are going to stone the devils.

In fact, they think they are stoning Iblees himself! They even call this ritual, “Stoning the Shaitan.” That is not true. The Jamarat are not devils. All we do when we stone these Jamarat is an act of remembering Allah, following the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as an act of worship.

That’s it. No need to get emotional, no need to cuss at the Jamarat, no need to push and shove.

Mistake 8: Touching or wiping over the Ka’bah

Some people touch the Ka’bah or Maqam Ibrahim thinking there is blessing in it. They also touch and wipe their hands on the pillars of the Grand Mosque or the Prophet’s Mosque and then they wipe the hands over themselves believing this is something good.

This is another act with no basis in the Shariah of Islam. The Prophet ﷺ did not do any of this. If it was good, he would have done so. But he didn’t, so we won’t either.

Note: The Ka’bah walls and Maqam Ibrahim enclosure is perfumed and it’s forbidden to apply/touch perfume, scents when you are in Ihram

Blessings come from following what Allah and His Messenger ﷺ have prescribed, and not from introducing innovations.

Mistake 9: Thinking that praying 40 prayers in Madina is compulsory

Some people think it’s necessary to complete 40 prayers in the Prophet’s Mosque and that this is necessary and part of Hajj. It’s not. This is based on a weak Hadith. Neither is it necessary to complete 40 prayers there nor is visiting Madina a part of Hajj.

Obviously it is good if you can spend as much time as you can in Madina and pray as much as you can in the Prophet’s Mosque, but to think that one has to complete 40 prayers there is not correct.

Sheikh Bin Baz said,

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